50 Hot Water Soluble Tote Bags

50 Hot Water Soluble Tote Bags

Contains 50 reusable tote bags that when you are done with, you simply dissolve away with hot water. The dissolved solution is then decomposed by bacteria back to natural elements of CO2 and water.

Contains 50 reusable tote bags that when you are done with, you simply dissolve away with hot water. The dissolved solution is then decomposed by bacteria back to natural elements of CO2 and water.

Bonnie Bio hot water soluble tote bags are made from Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVOH) or otherwise known as Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) and stitched together with cotton. PVA is Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) on the U.S.A. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) list, item number 767.

PVA material is internationally recognised to be biodegradable, firstly by dissolving in hot water (80°C+), followed by decomposition to carbon dioxide and water under the influence of relevant bacterial strains present in the natural environment. The period of decomposure for this substance is about 30-60 days and will biodegrade in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. This means also in a landfill! These bags are ideal bags for having in your car to reuse for shopping or any other general use. Bag size is 300mm (w) and 350mm (h) and 100mm (d). These bags decompose back to natural elements of CO2 and water.

They do not become the toxic micro / nano plastics that conventional reusable / recycled plastic bags become and if you recycle, please dispose of in the organic waste stream (food, garden cuttings etc).


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